Individualized Supports:

At LTL we individualize everything for our residents and their individual supports are no different. Each resident is seen individually for:
- Case Management
- Occupational support (Such as: resume building, strengths-based testing)
- Educational support
- Recovery coaching/Goal tracking
- 12-step immersion/Engagement
- Transition planning
- LTL is a Data-Driven program and uses data tracking to map the progress of our residents throughout the progress.
Recovery Milestones: LEARN
Recovery Milestones: LIVE
During the “LIVE” milestone the residents will get to put into action what they learned previously. They will have the opportunity to set medium-term goals and create a plan to meet them. They will work on the power of positive thinking as it relates to their daily lives. They will have the ability to get a job and have a personal car on the property. They will begin reintegration into the community at their own pace. They will begin to build a healthy routine integrating mind, body, and spirit. They will find out what they enjoy doing and expand their comfort zone. They will have earned more freedom and will now be allowed to leave the property on their own.
- Vocational readiness
- LEARN the power of positive thinking
- Personal vehicle readiness
- Interactive engagement with the community
- Medium term goals
- Relapse prevention
- Some overnight privileges
- LEARN to enjoy life!
Recovery Milestones: RECOVER
During the RECOVER milestone the residents will be begin to make their program a part of them. To this point they have learned and implemented this program and now they will master it. At this point they have been provided the tools and resources to sustain long-term recovery and they will prove to themselves and others that they can RECOVER! They will also mentor others in earlier milestones in the program and be a leader in the community. They will now be allowed to have approved overnight visits away from the property and prove that when they are away that their program is strong and they have the ability to stay sober under different circumstances.
All advancements are discussed and approved by staff and have no time limits, everyone is different. The residents will track their own progress with support from staff and be able to see the body of work they have put in as they go.
- Overnight passes granted
- Master positive thinking as it relates to recovery and life goals
- 12-step engagement goal met
- Actively practicing life skills work
- Long-term goals
- Relapse prevention